The Four Tendencies

Gretchen Rubin says a useful way to think about people’s behavior is by considering how willing they are to meet or resist expectations on them. Expectations can either be external, like your boss asking for a project to be completed or internal, like exercising regularly.

From these she identifies the four combinations labelled as The Four Tendencies.

External Expectation
Internal Expectation
Upholder (tick) (tick)
Questioner (warning) (tick)
Obliger (tick) (warning)
Rebel (warning) (warning)

(tick) Meets (warning) Resists

This could provide you with more empathy when considering your colleagues, friends or family and make you a more effective communicator. Maybe try thinking about members of your software development team and which tendency they seem to exhibit.

Which one are you? Take the quiz and find out.

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